Welcome to the University of Hong Kong
Tutors and demonstrators play a key role in teaching and learning at the University of Hong Kong. For many students, they are the personal face of the University. I am very grateful for the hard work put in by all tutors and demonstrators throughout the campus.
To help develop the kinds of knowledge and skills needed to create a high-quality learning environment, the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning works with Faculties to deliver state-of-the-art professional learning resources. The twin focus is on supporting The Certificate of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, and providing additional teaching support through direct liaison with Faculties.
I wish all tutors and demonstrators every success in their studies. I hope this will be an enjoyable programme, and trust that teaching will be a central part of a rewarding experience at HKU.
Professor Ian Holliday
Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning)
For registration of Certificate of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, please click here: