
Message from the Director of CETL


Message from the Director of CETL – Grahame Bilbow

Welcome to our Second Issue of the Teaching and Learning Connections e-newsletter! Let me start by saying how delighted I was to hear the UGC Quality Assurance Council’s glowing comments about HKU’s academic standards in their recent report, which concluded: The University has a strong and widespread commitment to the quality of learning opportunities and […]

Editorial Message

Feature Articles

Guest Blogs

News in Brief


Questions for Discussion Section (Issue #2)

What is your experience in adopting assessment for learning strategies? What benefits do you see in assessment for learning? What challenges have you encountered or anticipated? (Definition of assessment for learning can be referred in the Feature Article by Prof. David Carless ) In the present [...]

Contributors to Issue #2

  • Prof. David Carless, Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching), Faculty of Education, HKU
  • Dr. Kennedy Chan, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, HKU
  • Prof. Rick Glofcheski, Faculty of Law, HKU
  • Assessment Special Interest Group, Centre for Applied English Studies, HKU:
    Mr. Simon Boynton, Mr. Sam Cole, Dr. Peter Crosthwaite, Dr. Daya Datwani, Dr. Natalie Fong, Dr. Michelle Raquel, Mr. Phil Smyth, and Mr. Kevin Yung (in alphabetical order)
  • Mr. Wilson Chow, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, HKU
  • Ms. Julienne Jen, Principal Lecturer, Faculty of Law, HKU
  • Dr. Michael Ng, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, HKU
  • Dr. N.S. Wong, Associate Professor, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU

The Editorial Team

Editor: Dr. Tracy Zou, Assistant Professor, Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, HKU (email:
Advisor: Prof. Grahame Bilbow, Director, Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, HKU (email:
Production: Ms. Aki Chan, Multimedia Designer, Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, HKU (email:

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