1. What are the requirements for the completion of the course and obtaining of the certificate?
As illustrated in the course outline, to complete the course, you need to:
- fullfil the attendance requirement, namely, not to miss more than one session;
- submit a written reflective account on the observation of an experienced teacher in your faculty or a teaching session from a video case provided in course Moodle site; and
- conduct a final teaching component.
2. What can I do if I forget my password and have deleted the email which contains the login information?
Go to the Moodle site, fill in the email address you used to for the registration of the certificate course, you will be able to generate your new login information following the instructions under “forgotten your username or password?”
3. I wanted to observe the teaching of my supervisor for the reflective account. But my supervisor doesn't have class this semester. Can I contact other teachers for the observation on an experienced teacher?
Sure, you could contact other teachers for the observation.
4. Where can I submit my reflective account?
The assignment must be submitted through course Moodle site. Your teacher will set up an assignment task within Moodle for you to upload your reflection assignment. To submit your assignment, please go to your class (e.g. ‘A03’ or ‘F04’) from the homepage of the Moodle. Click the assignment task and follow the instructions online.
If you are using Mac, you may come across some difficulties in submitting your assignment in course Moodle site. If this happens, you could use the computers in Computer Centre or Learning Commons at HKU to submit your assignment.
If you are using Mac, you may come across some difficulties in submitting your assignment in course Moodle site. If this happens, you could use the computers in Computer Centre or Learning Commons at HKU to submit your assignment.
5. I know that CETL staffs provide RPGs with opportunities to receive feedback based on a one-hour observation on their teaching. Where can I sign up for such observation?
Yes, we provide such opportunities for students who are taking the course concurrently within a semester.
To register for this observation by CETL staffs, please log in the course Moodle site. On the home page of the Moodle site, you will find “observation on your teaching” on the right-hand side of the home page. Click this link and follow the instruction. You will be able to make an appointment with our staff for observation.
To register for this observation by CETL staffs, please log in the course Moodle site. On the home page of the Moodle site, you will find “observation on your teaching” on the right-hand side of the home page. Click this link and follow the instruction. You will be able to make an appointment with our staff for observation.
6. I can’t book with the teacher who taught me in this course for observation on my teaching and getting feedback because his/her schedule is full. What can I do?
The observation schedule is arranged around the availability of our staff. So, sometimes you may not be able to book a time slot suitable for both you and the teacher who worked with you. When this happens, please book another teacher who is available.
7. This Semester I will be have teaching duties outside HKU main campuses. Will teachers be available for observation on my teaching?
We would like to provide opportunities for all the eligible students for such observations and feedback. However, due to the limited manpower, we will not be able to spend too much time in travelling. So, if you have teaching duties outside the HKU main campuses. We will not be able to observe your teaching.
8. My teaching duties this semester do not involve any direct teaching. What I will need to do is to hand out some materials and walk around in the classroom in case students have questions. Can I make appointment with you for observation and feedback?
Yes, you are welcome to make appointment with us. Being a tutor, you have a lot of opportunities to support the learning of your students directly. Giving out handouts and walking around the class you could observe how they are going on with their learning, monitor their progress on task and provide help when necessary. It is also important to think about the purpose of such a session, what students are expected to achieve from this session and in what way you will be able to help students to achieve the intended learning outcomes. We are happy to discuss with you the related issues for your development in teaching.
9. What should I prepare for on my final teaching component to be assessed?
In preparation for your teaching, you could think about what we have discussed in this course, the feedback you have got from your peers and the course teacher, and your observation on an experienced teacher. You could refer to the observation guide we provided for the areas that you could work on. In fact, we will consider similar areas in our observation on your teaching. For the detailed criteria that we will use for grading, please refer to the “grade descriptor” in the course outline.
10. I have some experience in teaching and want to application for exemption. What shall I do?
Depending on previous teaching experience, exemptions may be granted (for details on criteria for exemption and procedure, please see 'Guidelines for exemptions, CTLHE’).