
16th March | 17th March | 18th March


Day 2

Thurs, 17 March 2016


Pick up at L’hotel, coach to HKU

8:45 — 9:00

Registration in HKU

9:00 — 9:30

Opening ceremony by Prof. Ian Holliday, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Teaching and Learning)

Overview of conference programme by Prof. Grahame Bilbow, Director, Centre for the

Enhancement of Teaching and Learning

Venue: Rm321, Run Run Shaw Building

9:30 — 12:00

Topic: Research-Teaching Nexus — Achieving a balance between teaching and research

Facilitated and Presented by

  • Dr. Cecilia Chan (University of Hong Kong)
  • Prof. Philippa Pattison (University of Sydney)
  • Prof. Adam Bridgeman (University of Sydney)

Discussion (break out groups)

Coffee break included

Venue: Rm321, Run Run Shaw Building

12:00 — 13:00

Campus updates from the Asian and Australian Universities

  • University of Sydney
  • University of Hong Kong
  • National University of Singapore

13:00 — 14:00

Lunch in Run Run Shaw Building (Catering) 

14:00 — 16:00

Topic: Building a Teaching Academy: plans and milestones

Facilitated and Presented by

  • Dr. Huang Hoon Chng (National University of Singapore)
  • Prof. Sari Lindblom-Ylänne (University of Helsinki)
  • Prof. Sandra Klopper (University of Cape Town)
  • Prof. Jan van Tartwijk  (Universiteit Utrecht)
  • Dr. Maria Larsson (Lund University)

Discussion (break out groups)

Venue: Rm321, Run Run Shaw Building

16:00  — 17:45

Topic: Progress discussion on the Joint Book

(For members involved with the book only)

With light refreshments

Venue: Rm321, Run Run Shaw Building


Coach to Central Pier departed to Lamma Island

18:30 — 21:00

Dinner at the Rainbow Restaurant in Lamma Island