
16th March | 17th March | 18th March


Day 3

Fri, 18 March 2016


Pick up at L’hotel, coach to HKU

9:00 — 11:00

Topic: The notion of a national professional standards framework

Facilitated and Presented by

  • Prof. Grahame Bilbow (University of Hong Kong)
  • Prof. Jen Dolin (University of Copenhagen)

Discussion (break out groups)

Venue: Rm321, Run Run Shaw Building

11:00 — 11:30

Coffee break

11:30 — 12:30

Topic: International benchmarking of teaching practice

Facilitated and Presented by

  • Prof. Bjørn Stensaker (University of Oslo)


Venue: Rm321, Run Run Shaw Building

12:30 — 14:00

Lunch at Senior Common Room — 15/F

14:00 — 14:30

University Campus Tour — showed by Green Gowns

14:30— 16:15

Campus updates from Universities in Europe and South Africa
  • University of Leuven – KU Leuven
  • Lund University
  • Universiteit Utrecht
  • University of Copenhagen
  • University of Helsinki
  • University of Oslo
  • University of Cape Town
  • University of Edinburgh

Coffee break included

16:15 — 17:30

Review and Future Planning:
Review of the University of Hong Kong meeting and

planning for 2017 meeting


Coach from HKU back to L’hotel